Support Water Education in the Arkansas River Basin
Become a sponsor today!
The Arkansas River Basin Water Forum is the premier water education event in the Arkansas River Basin. Bringing together diverse water interests and users, the Forum provides a platform for education and earnest dialogue on water resource issues and needs. Close to 300 people representing agricultural, municipal, industrial, environmental, recreational, and governmental interests attend the annual Forum, as well as interested citizens and others from outside the Basin. Your sponsorship helps advocate the importance of this indispensable resource through educational opportunities now and into the future as well as helps fund our important scholarship program.
The Arkansas River Basin Water Forum is the premier water education event in the Arkansas River Basin. Bringing together diverse water interests and users, the Forum provides a platform for education and earnest dialogue on water resource issues and needs. Close to 300 people representing agricultural, municipal, industrial, environmental, recreational, and governmental interests attend the annual Forum, as well as interested citizens and others from outside the Basin. Your sponsorship helps advocate the importance of this indispensable resource through educational opportunities now and into the future as well as helps fund our important scholarship program.
Special Sponsorship Opportunities!
- Name badge sponsor $3,000 Exclusive opportunity for one sponsor only! Plus, the same benefits as a Headwaters Sponsor.
- Scholarship sponsor $1500 Sponsor travel expenses for 3 recipients to attend the Forum! Plus, the same benefits as an Aquifer Sponsor
- Break sponsor $1000 Special signage at breaks and in the Forum program! Plus, the same benefits as a Reservoir Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels
Watershed Sponsor $5000
Aquifer Sponsor $1000
Headwaters Sponsor $2500
Reservoir Sponsor $500